Monday, January 26, 2009

Mt. Blankets

So today I spent most of my day in bed. Yeah I had planed on doing things around the house today but with my mom getting over being sick and my dad seeming like he is getting sick, any hint of sickness I have sends me diving for the bed and a mound of blankets. I hate being sick and if I can cut it off before it hits me I will.

I went to bed last night feeling like I had a sore throat coming on and then woke up this morning still feeling like it. Before I went to bed I made sure that I had my handy dandy Chloraseptic spread at the ready.

Let me just say now, Thank you Mr. Benford for making me go to that away game, you introduced me to the most amazing sore throat reliever ever.

Anyway, I got up a little bit ago and took a shower and then decided to get online because I feel a little better, though I can hear my bed calling back to me now. So I am going to make this short and go back to bed. Hmmmmm I think I will try and find something to eat first since I have not ate all day......That is going to be a problem, there is really no food left in my house. (not being sarcastic this time) Mom being sick really does not help, since she is the one who shops.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Sir, may I have the check please? The Reality check.

So today I was asked to babysit my niece for a couple of hours. I agreed, she is family after all, but I think the rate I was paid was crappy. But it was money never the less, even if it was $3 a hour.

Anyway my niece is about 19 months old so she can walk and utter nonsense at a great rate. Plus she has a great set of lungs that are really good at high pitched screams. She is also a spoiled brat that will throw a tantrum at the slightest inconvenience. (Sorry that I that I moved you away from the TV but I want you to have some use of you retinas when you get older.) Unfortunately I was not lucky enough to watch her during a nap time. I was in between the two naps which mean she is the most active and then hits a wall (not literally unless she is too hyped up), starts to nod off and then screams when you try to wake her. Yes this is my lovable niece.

Really it is not that bad most days and today I really did not have to do much. I had to try and feed her some baby food that smells so good that I could eat a gallon of the stuff. (Insert sarcasm)

She is in the "what is this?" stage. She brought me books and would point to things over and over when she was not watching the TV. Let me tell you, I can only say fish, spoon, block, baby, lion, sea lion, tiger, kitty.... so many times over and over until I had to do something to get her attention. Sooo I went through the DVR and found some Micky Mouse Club House episodes. As soon as she saw that mouse, the books were dropped and she went to stare and scream at the screen. Bribery is so easy when they are that young...... It kept her off of the books long enough so that I could go grab a cookie and clean up her toys some. (which were then strewn about the floor again in three seconds flat once she saw what I was doing)

But back to the title of the blog. I watched MMCH for a while and then turned on Little Einsteins...(We're going on a trip.....)

It was there that I discovered how impossible everything that I had seen that day on TV really was. Come on, in the LE episode they were talking to Reindeer, owls and a fox. What are we teaching our children? Yes go up to a fox and try and talk to it, nothing is wrong with that. Oh worst yet, we tell them that animals are dangerous and that we should leave them alone and then low and behold they go home and watch Leo talk and pet a reindeer. A lot of sense that makes to me. Or that you can fly around in a bubble and not get hurt..... There never seems to be any consequences in these shows.

Now I know that it is make believe and that Kids have imaginations, (I was a kid once, I know those times when I use to believe that the floor was lava or that the snow forts had TVs in them.) but that on top of the essay question to the Psych final really got me thinking. (Question was: What affects does TV viewing (15+hours) have on children) Does this kind of stuff really cause kids problems? I guess that I am just looking at it too clinically and should just accept the fact that 99% of kids understand the difference and that make believe is good.

Anyway, I blame this all on the fact that I took Psych and I hope that soon I can look at it and just think "Oh my goddess, this is soooo stupid". (Goddess reference comes from the book that I just got done reading)

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Just a step forward

So today started like any other day for me....Uggggg I have to get up?
Yeah sleep is a good thing...Of course it helps if you do not fall asleep with your light on and wake up at 6am with it still on and your laying on top of the covers with two cats laying next to you. But when don't they do that?

Anyway, I had my last in-car today with my instructor. I thought I would be happy about that, but I really enjoyed driving with him. He knew when to keep quiet and let me drive and other times we would just start talking about all kinds of random things. Like today, we started talking about the fact that he was going to go to Winter Jam soon with his Youth Group. Then he asked me what church I went to. I had to tell him that I have not been to church in a couple of years because I do not agree with what they say I have to do. He wanted to know what they were and I told him that I was Pentecostal (aka Apostolic), and told him about the restrictions that my church placed on women when I was going.

He told me that he had family that started going to one and thought that they were "different". He also told me that he found it condescending that the male relative could go walking around in shorts, while the females had to wear long skirts. He thought that some of the things that this part of his Family did was condescending.
Let me tell you, I am so happy that I have found someone else who has witnessed this for himself and feels that it is condescending!

Now, I have been told by friends and family that still go to one of the split off Churches, (my original one split in three, I think) that they have been more open now about the way you dress, which I am happy about, but I do not know if I can ever feel comfortable in that religion again or not. Right now it really does not matter to much for me. I believe what I believe you believe what you believe and if we do not agree, lets drop the subject.

But anyway now that I went off and a rant about my religion, lets get back to that In-Car!!!!
I got to drive on the highway again and then went to Oberlin High school to work on Maneuverability!!! yay....... (insert sarcasm) I can do the right just fine, but tell me to back up on the left and I am screwed! I have yet to knock over a cone but I keep grazing them. So I had to do the left like 25 times until I got really good at it. But I still hope they tell me to go right when I take the test.

Oh and on the way home I got a treat!!!! He put in a CD!!!!!!! He never turned on the radio when we was a no no. Must be able to hear the instructor while he talked. But anyway the CD was a like a christian band and it was Christmas music. Anyway I really like the parts I got to hear and am now going to have to check them out. Not something that I would normally look at but I liked how they sounded. I believe the group was called Casting Crowns.
So after that I drove home and then said goodbye to the person who taught be all about how not to race a train. (little Drivers ed humor there) I think once I get my licence, I am going to have to crash one of his classes.

I spent the rest of the day taking a nap, and watching tv and then finally got around to blogging!!!
So I think this is where I will end this one for now. Ciao!