Monday, February 9, 2009

The Great Recession hits the town as a plow and some salt

So anyone who has not been living in a bubble for the past year knows that we are in a recession. You can not call it a depression cause then people start to get scared. At least that is what my Sociology teacher says.

Well recently the city has said that things are going to be closed down and budget cuts are going to happen. (Even though the city got that tax increase they asked for last may.....) They stated that the ice rink would be closing, the pools would not be open this summer, and the fireworks were a no go. Also memorial day is iffy and the apple festival is said to be a no. Well that did not shock me nearly as much as this one did.

Appreciation day is also cancelled. Ohhhh buddy they did not just do that! That there is a band tradition, and you can not take that away from the band and the Seniors. It just is not going to happen bub....I do not care if you are mayor. Anyway, today in band someone asked Shepka what we are going to do.

He replied with this, "I am not going down without a fight" and told us that he is working to still have it on the court house steps. He already filled the paper work out. I guess if we want to do it we have to foot the bill. So the plan sounds like we are not going to have vendors down there and everything would start later in the day. He said there is no way that he will let this get cancelled too.

He told us that if we had to do it down in the park we would, NO MATTER WHAT it was going to happen, even if we could not use the court house steps. That made us feel alot better but still....not using the court house steps? I guess the city can still tell us no.


  1. I almost pissed myself when my mom told me that the other day. I was like WHAT!?!?! Uh...NO!

  2. my mouth is literally hanging open right now.

    i can't believe that.

    thanks for stealing my pictures, by the way.

    sometimes i am REALLY glad i am out of there.

  3. I stole one from you and one from Stephanie.
